Above is a photo of custom letterpress business cards we designed and printed for local landscape designer Dana Magee. Dana and her husband do beautiful work, and when I first met Dana for her design consultation, I had the chance to look through her portfolio of landscape projects around the Greater Vancouver area - the photos were stunning!
I really enjoy meeting with other professionals in the creative field - even it it is a completely different industry from our own - we have similar issues and difficulties, as well as similar rewards from working with our hands. At the end of the day, we are all just trying to make beautiful things for people to enjoy.
Dana wanted a business card that would really stand out and appeal to her high-end clients. This card was printed with earthy tones on Crane's 110 lb. Pearl Lettra.
We also designed coordinated pieces for digital/offset and desktop printing including matching letterhead, envelopes, and templates for project blueprints and custom graph paper. Even though we are a letterpress studio, we also design pieces for non-letterpress printing and other media such as websites. If you'd like to know more about how we can create an identity package for your company, we'd love to hear from you.
We have a lot going on in the studio right now - orders to complete, holiday items to prepare, redoing our wholesale catalog and offerings, planning for holiday and wedding shows, promotional materials for the wedding industry, etc. Throw a near ten-month-old into the mix, and it's wild times in these parts. Our daughter is free-ranging (our term for crawling) and is getting ready for walking, so having her in the studio is a bit of a challenge. She LOVES to get into the paper samples and swatchbooks - and has taken to tasting some of them. Keeping her out of trouble in the studio was much easier before she was able to move about!
Oh, and it's probably a bit early to mention, but we will be participating in Got Craft? this Christmas season - December 5th at 2205 Commercial Drive. We haven't done a Christmas show for a while, so it should be fun. For more info, visit the show website. Oh, and if you want a swag bag this year, prepare yourself - I've been told that the wait in the morning for the May 2010 show swag bags started at 6 am!!!
I really enjoy meeting with other professionals in the creative field - even it it is a completely different industry from our own - we have similar issues and difficulties, as well as similar rewards from working with our hands. At the end of the day, we are all just trying to make beautiful things for people to enjoy.
Dana wanted a business card that would really stand out and appeal to her high-end clients. This card was printed with earthy tones on Crane's 110 lb. Pearl Lettra.
We also designed coordinated pieces for digital/offset and desktop printing including matching letterhead, envelopes, and templates for project blueprints and custom graph paper. Even though we are a letterpress studio, we also design pieces for non-letterpress printing and other media such as websites. If you'd like to know more about how we can create an identity package for your company, we'd love to hear from you.
We have a lot going on in the studio right now - orders to complete, holiday items to prepare, redoing our wholesale catalog and offerings, planning for holiday and wedding shows, promotional materials for the wedding industry, etc. Throw a near ten-month-old into the mix, and it's wild times in these parts. Our daughter is free-ranging (our term for crawling) and is getting ready for walking, so having her in the studio is a bit of a challenge. She LOVES to get into the paper samples and swatchbooks - and has taken to tasting some of them. Keeping her out of trouble in the studio was much easier before she was able to move about!
Oh, and it's probably a bit early to mention, but we will be participating in Got Craft? this Christmas season - December 5th at 2205 Commercial Drive. We haven't done a Christmas show for a while, so it should be fun. For more info, visit the show website. Oh, and if you want a swag bag this year, prepare yourself - I've been told that the wait in the morning for the May 2010 show swag bags started at 6 am!!!
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